In 1999 "The Checkerboard Guy" helped launch a series of trading cards dedicated to variety artists. Every year since The Checkerboard Guy has has a blast handing these cards out to fans of his show and over the years he's accummulated quite a collection of different cards.
Got it, need it, want it, got it, need it... Well you've come to the right place! Scroll through the years and check to see which cards you have and which you don't. (Click image to view larger.) To receive one (or more) of these cards, simply send The Checkerboard Guy a post card from your home town (must be sent by regular mail, not email) stating which card or cards you want and where you'd like them sent and he'll be more than happy to accommodate your request if he still has the any of card you're looking for. Send your postcard to CBG Entertainment – 1226 Brantwood Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 1G5 Canada